It's my favorite day of the week (for blogging anyway-in real life, I like Sundays best of all)! Time for Five Question Friday with Mama M. I have so much fun every week hopping around and reading up on everyone's answers. It's amazing how much you can learn about someone from five little questions. Head on over to Mama M.'s blog and link up!
1. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
Okay, this is totally NOT one of my favorite actresses, I don't even know if that word fits her, but it's the first name that came to my mind and what my husband said too. I think it would have to be Rosanne. We always joke that we are like Roseanne and Dan from the first few seasons. So, it would have to be her.
2. Did you ever go to summer camp?
I didn't ever go to camp for the whole summer, but I did go to Church Camp and Girl Scout Camp. I don't think you'd ever catch me at either one these days. I'm more of a home kind of girl now. (Hey, I could have used that for one of my answers last week!)
3. What sends you running and screaming in the other direction?
Any kind of spider will pretty much do me in. I am so scared of a black widow or a fiddleback climbing into bed with me or getting into my shoes. Just looking at the pictures in those links gave me goosebumps!
4. What is something you do that drives your spouse nuts?
I talk to him while he's trying to read things on the computer. After the kids go to bed, I am usually sitting at desk on the computer while he's on the couch with his laptop (we're exciting, I know). I spout out random things to him while he's in the middle of something and it makes him nuts because apparently men aren't able to read and talk to someone at the same time. At first, it was an accident, but now I do it on purpose sometimes just for fun (don't tell him that though, ok?).
5. What is currently your favorite song?
Oh, this is such a hard question. I have lots of favorites right now. Here are just a few of them.
See how much fun that is?! Now, get on over there and link up!
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