Monday, January 30, 2012

Our balloon solar system

This year we are all doing Apologia's Exploring Creation with Astronomy together (Dakota is also doing Exploring Creation with Physical Science on her own). I'd been wanting to get this book since last year and finally was able to get it (thanks to birthday money and a sale at Mardel) at the beginning of January. We're only on lesson 2 so far, but we're all really enjoying it.

Today, we backed up to the end of lesson 1 and did the balloon solar system model. We had so much fun with it! The book suggested that you use markers and construction paper to decorate the planets, but I decided to keep it simple. I mainly wanted them to learn the order and to get an idea of just how big the planets were in relation to one another.

Our first step was to blow up the balloons. This was Landon and Sierra's favorite part.

The book gave instructions on how big to make each balloon so that the sizes would be relative. Pluto was only 1/2 inch diameter while Jupiter and Saturn were over 25 inches.

We attached ribbons to the tops of the balloons and hung them from the ceiling in order. Dakota is the tallest of the four, so she got the job of hanging them.
Here they are showing off their creation. Landon wanted to "hold up the sun." Dakota put her hand around the "Earth" and said, "Look, I've got the whole world in my hand." The one Cheyenne is holding (and Sierra is helping with) is Jupiter.
While we were working, this song popped into my head and it's been stuck there ever since. Anyone else remember it?

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